I have come up against some resistance from select teachers in school concerned about the title of my nonprofit. I’ve thought and prayed about it long and hard and have decided that it will be best for us going forward to keep our name, God’s Tooth Fairies, as is.

God has blessed me and funded me to do this work and I will always be thankful for his grace and guidance. Will you stop using money in our wallet because it says in God we trust on every bill and on every coin? The name is personally meaningful to me.  It represent me and why I am doing this work.  The work is teaching kids about their teeth, not about God.  I educate them on why they need to take care of their teeth.  I give them tools that will help them have good oral hygiene for life.  If they destroy the first molars when they are 6, they do not get another chance. It is sad to go into the community and see how many kids under 10 have already ruined their permanent teeth.  My purpose is to help kids avoid these problems.

Yes, my nonprofit has God in the title. The title reminds me how much faith moves mountains and opens doors and it inspires me to go forward and do this good work that needs to be done.  A couple teachers prevented 200 kids from learning about their teeth last year because they were afraid that I would teach the students about God.  But this year, by God’s grace, I have been welcomed back to help the whole school.  The teachers and students that I served witnessed the good work I did for the kids.  Through my actions they came to understand that the non-profit’s aim is to help young people maintain healthy teeth, not teach public school kids about God.  I will weather the storms that my non-profit name may bring about, and the people I serve will see by my actions and through my instruction that my true mission is, “Making smiles and saving smiles.”